Hypatia | Frauennetzwerk Erneuerbare Energien und Cleantech e.V.
Frauennetzwerk Erneuerbare Energien und Cleantech e.V.

Energy Sharing – barriers and opportunities for the energy system

The European Commission has adopted the Renewable Energy Directive RED II that gives renewable energy communities the right to set up energy sharing arrangements. Now it’s up to the Member States to ensure the concept will flourish and support the transition to a decarbonised system.

What does energy sharing mean to different energy system actors? How do different member states approach it? What are its biggest advantages, what are the main challenges?

Join us online on 23.03 at 18.00 to listen to Katharina Habersbrunner’s presentation and join the discussion afterwards. 

Katherina Habersbrunner:

You like to join? Write to veranstaltungen[at]hypatia-network.de

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